12 January 2021
EVO olive oil and industrial oil: what are the differences? 2

EVO olive oil and industrial oil: what are the differences?

Understanding the differences between an extra virgin olive oil from Frantoio and an industrial olive oil and choosing the best one well.
11 December 2020
Pasta with Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Chilli: a great classic! 4

Pasta with Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Chilli: a great classic!

Many like to call it a "dinner-saving recipe", spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli pepper are an easy and quick first course to prepare. A great classic of Italian cuisine.
3 December 2020
How to recognize a high quality EVO oil? 6

How to recognize a high quality EVO oil?

The results of the analyzes is out on the new oil have arrived, confirming the exceptional quality of our Aroldo EVO BIO oil. How to recognize a quality oil?
27 October 2020
The exceptional characteristics of new EVO oil! Do you really know? 8

The exceptional characteristics of new EVO oil! Do you really know?

The olive harvest is also about to end for this year. Aroldo Bio 2020 EVO oil promises to be of truly excellent quality, while the quantity will be slightly lower than last year.
9 October 2020
Choose an extra virgin olive oil 10

Choose an extra virgin olive oil

Knowing how to choose an oil means knowing the processes that lead to its creation. The quality of an oil depends on numerous factors: the variety of olives grown; the degree of ripeness of the olives themselves at the time of harvest...
2 July 2020
Premio d'argento per l'olio di oliva Aroldo Bio al London IOOC 2020

Silver award for Aroldo Bio oil at London IOOC 2020

Aroldo Bio, Silver award at the LONDON International Olive Oil Competition 2020 among 650 labels in competition from 25 countries of the world!
18 June 2020
Olive oil and surroundings with Marco Oreggia 12

Olive oil and surroundings with Marco Oreggia

Marco Montemagno intervista Marco Oreggia su olio evo e dintorni. Interessante chiaccherata informale su olio extravergine di oliva di qualità e tutto il mondo che gli ruota attorno.
6 June 2020
Panzanella Maremmana

The Panzanella Maremmana

Nothing is thrown away in the kitchen. This is a sacrosanct principle and since bread is one of those things that always advances we must try to use it even when it is stale with various preparations, one of these is the panzanella. Very famous Tuscan dish, delicious especially in the summer!
3 March 2020
Organoleptic evaluation of EVO oil Aroldo Bio 14

Organoleptic evaluation of EVO oil Aroldo Bio

Olive cultivation and oil production have always been in the DNA of our country. Despite this, the concept of quality of this product until recently was not yet very clear and the organoleptic analysis aimed at describing the oil somehow went into the background.
6 January 2020
Olio Extra Vergine Oliva Aroldo

Filtered or unfiltered EVO oil?

Should extra virgin olive oil be filtered? For many years now, this theme has divided oils EVO lovers. More and more often we notice "unfiltered" EVO oils, oils that surely convey a greater idea (stereotyped) of naturalness and craftsmanship. So what to choose? Filtered or unfiltered oil?
1 January 2020
Come leggere l'etichetta dell'olio extra vergine di oliva

Can you read the label?

Today more than yesterday everything is within everyone's reach. Food is readily available and the consumer is faced with a vast choice of products, how to choose the best one? One of the first things to be able to do is knowing how to read the label correctly, especially when it comes to extra virgin olive oil. Only then will you have a tool to make the right choice.
15 December 2019
Fettunta bruschetta la merenda toscana

The fettunta (bruschetta), the most classic Tuscan snack

Definitely preparing the Fettunta, the bruschetta: a snack as simple as it is delicious. It is the grandmother's timeless snack based on Tuscan bread (therefore without salt) rigorously toasted, rubbed with garlic to flavor it properly, then covered with delicious Bio EVO Oil Aroldo.